
 Office of Research and Policy Analysis


Welcome to the Office of Research and Policy Analysis. The Office is responsible for studies of higher education issues and other research projects conducted by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.  These analyses form the basis for Commission decisions regarding statewide higher education policy.

This site contains policy studies, information reports, annual reports, and publications prepared by the Office.  The most recent edition of the Office's publication (Data Book) and its annual reports are presented.  Older reports appear in the Archives.  Policy studies and information reports completed since 2010 appear by year.

Effective September 2019, the Office of Research and Policy Analysis (RPA) formalized a data suppression policy for how it reports student data collected from institutions. Further information regarding this policy can be found here​. For questions or concerns regarding how student data is being used by RPA, please contact MHEC at rpa.mhec@maryland.gov.

The Maryland Higher Education Commission also publishes a number of reports mandated by Maryland Statute and the annual Maryland Joint Chairmen's Reports. For access to these reports, please see the​ ​Maryland Department of Legislative Services Legislative Library.​​

Office Staff:

Barbara Schmertz, Ph.D., Director
Yuxin Lin, Ph.D., Associate Director
Alexia Van Orden, Research and Policy Analyst
Ann Kellogg​, Ph.D., Director of Reporting Services, Maryland Longitudinal Data Systems Center


The Student Outcome and Achievement Report serves as the Maryland Higher Education Commission’s response to the General Assembly’s 1988 charge to improve information to high schools and local school systems concerning the performance of their graduates at the college level.

2021 Student Outcome and Achievement Report

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​



The Data Book provides information about student preparation, enrollment, completion, demographics, affordability, financing, degrees attained, and revenues and expenditures across Maryland postsecondary institutions.

2021​  | 2020​  |  2019  |  20​18​​  |  20​17​  ​​​​​




Opening Fall Enrollment

This report highlights preliminary data on fall enrollment submitted by Maryland colleges and universities.

2020  -  Dashboard​​  |  Report (PDF)​  |  Data (Excel)

2019​  -  Report (PDF)  |  Data (Excel)

2018  |  2017​​   |  2016

Enrollment by Term and Year

This report provides information on enrollment by term and year.

Fall 2020  -  Report (PDF)  |  Data (Excel)

Fall 2019  -  Report (PDF)​  |  Data (Excel)

Fall Enrollment by Place of Residence

This report provides information concerning the places of residence of students enrolled in Maryland institutions of higher education during the fall of the chosen year. 

2020  -  Maryland Residents Report (PDF)  |  Maryland Residents Data (Excel)

             All Students Report (PDF)  |  All Students Data (Excel)​

2019  -  Maryland Residents Report (PDF)  |  Maryland Residents Data (Excel)

             All Students Report (PDF)  |  All Students Data (Excel)​

2018  |  2017  |  2​0​16​  |  2​0​15    

Trends in Fall Enrollment by Program

2019  -  Report (PDF)  |  Data (Excel)​

This report provides trend data on enrollment, grouped by program in which the student is enrolled.

2018  |  2017​  |  2​016​  |  2​015​ 

Trends in Fall Enrollment by Race and Gender

This report provides trend data on student enrollment, grouped by race and gender.

2020 - Statewide R​eport (PDF)  |  Statewide Data (Excel)

           Segment Report (PDF)​​  |  Segment Data (Excel)

2019 - Statewide R​eport (PDF)  |  Statewide Data (Excel)

           Segment Report (PDF)  |  Segment Data (Excel)

2018  |  201​7  |  2016  |  2015

Enrollment Projections

This report provides perspective to higher education policy discussions at the state level, including facilities planning, tuition and fees issues, articulation, funding priorities, and retention and graduation rates.

2021-30​  |  2020-2029​​  |  2019-2028​​  |  2018-2027​  |  2017-2026​​   


Trends in Degrees and Certificates By Program

This report provides trend data on degree and certificate completion, grouped by each program exited.

2019  -  Repo​rt (PDF)​​​​  |  Data (Excel)

2018​  |  2017​​  |  2016​​  |  2015  |  2014

Trends in Degrees and Certificates By Race and Gender

This report provides trend data on student degree and certificate completion, grouped by race and gender.

2018​  |  2017  |  2016​​​​  |  2015  |  2014

Degree Productivity at Maryland Public Four-Year Institutions​​

The report provides information on degree productivity at Maryland’s public four-year institutions using the measure of “degrees per 100 students” for both bachelor’s and graduate degrees. Degrees per 100 students provides an assessment of institutional effectiveness on degree productivity over time, which can be used to compare data from other states, and takes into account all students for all degree types regardless of their enrollment or entry status.

2019​  |  2018


Maryland Community Colleges

This report provides retention, graduation, and transfer rates for first-time, full-time students entering Maryland community colleges. The report includes information on student outcomes between one and four years following matriculation.

2020 - Dashboard  |  Data (Excel)​

​​​​2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  ​​​​2016  |  2015  

The traditional model of calculating retention and graduation rates defines a cohort as all students entering first-time, full-time within a specified term or year. The Degree Progress Analysis (DPA) utilizes a cohort defined by student behavior, and further divided by college readiness at the time of entry to the institution. This dashboard examines student success as defined by the Degree Progress Analysis model.​

Degree Progress Analysis, 2011 - 2015​​

Maryland Four-Year Institutions

This report presents data on the retention and graduation rates of first-time, full-time undergraduate students who initially enroll at public four-year colleges and universities in the state of Maryland. The graduation trends in this report include undergraduate students who persisted at and graduated from the campus at which they initially enrolled, as well as those who transferred to and then graduated from any of the four-year colleges or universities, including independent institutions, in Maryland.

2020  - Dashb​oard​​​​  |  Data (Excel)​

2019​  |  2018  |  2017  2016​  |  2015   

Performance of Community College Transfer Students at Public Four-Year Colleges and Universities

This report is composed of a set of tables showing, by campus, the performance of students who were enrolled at a Maryland community college, who later transferred to a Maryland public four-year institution.

2014​  |  2013  |  2012   |  2011  |  2010  

Undergraduate Transfers Among Maryland Public Institutions

This report is composed of a set of tables showing, by campus, the undergraduate students who were enrolled in Maryland public colleges, who later transferred to another Maryland public college.


2018-2019  -  Report (PDF)  |  Data​ (Excel)

2017-2018​   |  2016-2017   |  2015-2016


The annual Performance Accountability Report (PAR) provides an opportunity for the State, the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), colleges and universities, and individual governing boards to review and evaluate institutions' efforts to advance the goals of the state and fulfill their missions.

2019  - Vol. 1   |  Vol. 2​
2018  - Vol. 1   |  Vol. 2​​
2017  - Vol. 1   |  Vol. 2​​
2016  - Vol. 1   |  Vol. 2​​


The Financial Aid Information System (FAIS) provides information on financial aid recipients, and the amounts of aid they receive during each fiscal year.

                   Undergraduate Segment Data (Excel)
                   Undergraduate Institution Report (PDF)
                   Undergraduate Institution Data (Excel)
                   Graduate Segment Report (PDF)
                   Graduate Segment Data (Excel)
                   Graduate Institution Report (PDF)
                   Graduate Institution Data​ (Excel)
2018-2019 - Private Career School Report (PDF) | 
                   Private Career School Data (Excel)  |  
                   Private Institution Report (PDF) | 
                   Private Institution Data ​​(Excel)
                   Segment Report (PDF)  |  
                   Undergraduate Segment Data (Excel)  |  
                   Graduate Segment Data (Excel)
                   Institution Report (PDF)  |  
                   Undergraduate Institution Data (Excel)  | 
                   Graduate Institution Data​ (Excel)

2017-2018  -  Segment Report (PDF)  |  Segment Data (Excel)
                     Institution Report (PDF)  |  Institution Data​ (Excel)

2016-2017  |  2015-2016​  |  2014-2015  


This report tracks Maryland's progress toward having at least 55% of its residents age 25-64 holding at least one degree credential by 2025.

2020​  |  2019​  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016​


This report presents data on students who registered with disability services at Maryland colleges and universities and provides analysis of retention and completion data for those students.​

2021​  |  2020​  |  2019  |   2018




Maryland Approved Professional Education Program Comple​ters

This dashboard presents data for individuals who completed a Maryland State Approved Professional Education Program, as approved by the Maryland State Department of Education. These programs prepare individuals to be teachers, administrators, and to fill other key roles in early childhood and secondary education.

Maryland Approved Professional Education Program Completers, 2017 - 2018​​

Report on Campus Climate and Sexual Violence at Maryland Colleges and Universities

This biennial report summarizes the results of sexual assault campus climate surveys conducted at Maryland's colleges and universities, including information on incidents of sexual assault and other sexual misconduct. This report also includes an analysis of the findings in the context of the larger national landscape of sexual assault on college campuses.

2020​  |  2018  Vol.1Vol.2  |  2016  ​​Vol. 1Vol. 2

Graduate Follow-Up Survey Reports - Community Colleges

The Maryland Higher Education Commission periodically conducts a follow-up survey of community college certificate and associate degree graduates a year after they have completed their program. The report generated from this survey provides information on completers’ perceptions of the quality of their institutional experience, post-graduation educational and employment statuses, and other related outcomes.

2016   |   2014   |   2011   |   2008   |   2005

Graduate Follow-Up Survey Reports - Four-Year Colleges and Universities

Every three years, Maryland performs statewide surveys of graduates from Maryland four-year public institutions, independent institutions, and community colleges. These surveys are a valuable tool that helps the State and campuses better understand student outcomes.

2016   |   2013   |   2010   |   2007   |   2004

Student Outcome and Achievement Studies

This report serves as the Maryland Higher Education Commission’s response to the General Assembly’s 1988 charge to improve information to high schools and local school systems concerning the performance of their graduates at the college level.

2021​  |  2010   |   2008   |   2006   |   2001

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reports

This analysis is conducted periodically to review the assessment of undergraduate student learning at Maryland public colleges and universities. Because of the wide range of missions and student populations at Maryland institutions, there are no common standards for student outcomes. For this reason, institutions are expected to demonstrate how assessment of learning leads to improvements in teaching and learning, rather than demonstrating student progress toward a specific target.

2016  Vol. 1,  Vol. 2​   |   2011  Vol. 1,  Vol. 2   |   2007   |   2004   |   2001   |   1998   |   1995

Distance Education at Maryland Colleges and Universities

This report examines trends in distance learning and analyzes data from distance education activities derived from MHEC Distance Education Surveys, and from MHEC’s Distance Education Survey and Report.

2021​  |  2019  |  20​14   |   20​11   |   2008   |   2006   |   2005​​​​​​​​​​



Opening Spring Enrollment 2021

The 2020-2021 Academic Year has been greatly shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has presented numerous challenges for students, higher education institutions, the faculty and staff they employ, and the communities with which they engage. This dashboard presents preliminary spring enrollment data for state and national colleges and universities. ​

Dashboard: Opening Spring Enrollment 2021​​

Degrees per All

This report provides information on degree productivity at Maryland’s four-year public institutions using the measure Degrees per All (DpAll), which is a derivative of the measure degrees per 100 students. DpAll incorporates identifiable characteristics, such as race/ethnicity and gender, into assessing degree productivity to provide a more inclusive degree attainment measure. The data address trends from 2014 to 2018 for certain undergraduate populations.​


Remediation in Maryland Higher Education

​​​​This series of briefs examines the impact of college-level remediation on students' success in Maryland public colleges and universities. This series provides an overview of remediation and associated policy issues at postsecondary institutions and an analysis of who is assessed to need remediation, who enrolls in and completes both remedial and credit-bearing courses, first-year outcomes, and persistence and completion. 


Unmet Need and Student Success at Maryland Public 4-Year Institutions

This report examines the impact of financial need on student success.

2016   |   2014   |   2013   |   2007

Study of Relationship Between Student Persistence, Financial Assistance, and Expected Family Contribution

This study will examine the second year retention rate of new full-time undergraduates at Maryland public two- and four-year colleges and universities who had financial need on the basis of the amount and type of financial assistance they received, their expected family contribution (EFC), and the amount of unmet need that they experienced.

2007   |   2004-2005


Maryland Annual Collection Revision Report

Maryland Annual Collection (MAC) is the core series of public data collections from Maryland postsecondary institutions. Data collected through the MAC allows MHEC to produce financial, research, and policy reports on critical higher education topics.


Research Analysis Workgroup Recommendations for Standard Reporting of Multi-Race Data

This report provides recommendations for collection of multi-race data from Maryland postsecondary institutions.


Study of the Capacity of Maryland's Teacher Preparation Programs

This study examines the capacity of teacher preparation programs at Maryland colleges and universities to increase their production of new teachers.


Minority Achievement Report

This report provides information about the progress public colleges and universities have made in the recruitment and retention of minority students, faculty, and professional staff.

2008   |   2005   |   2003   |   2002   |   1999​​P​​​​​​​​​​​​​

ARCHIVES ​ contains archived policy studies, information reports, annual reports, and publications prepared by the Office of Research and Policy Analysis.

For more information about any of the publications listed, please contact the Maryland Higher Education Commission at (410) 767-3300 or webmgr.mhec@maryland.gov.  When requesting data, please include your name, telephone number, and email address.